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Gaiole is the home of the world famous L'Eroica Festival, held over the first weekend in October every year.  There is a link at the bottom of this page that will tell you everything you need to know to give it a go!​

At Casacorvo we've entered into the spirit of things!  We currently have three cycles at the apartments, two adult mountain bikes with shimino handlebar gears, and an adult ladies straight handlebar road bike, also with shimino gears.  We have a plan to acquire a third mountain bike for 2014.  Please note the bikes are not to Eroica specification, which requires bikes of a 'pre shimino' era!

Now let's be honest, Chianti is not flat, and Gaiole itself is a valley village, so everywhere is up!  Cycling is not therefore for the feint hearted, but once up on the ridges is an exhilarating way to tour the villages. There are literally hundreds of miles of 'strada bianchi' to explore in the immediate area. 

The quality of the stone roads is excellent and the quiet traffic makes for safe cycling.  Note that we do not provide helmets or other protective gear.  Our cycles are stored in our secure 'cantina' on the lower level, together with foot pump.  All we ask, is that when both apartments are occupied, you make your own 'local arrangements' for bike sharing. 

It is also possible to hire bikes in the village through the Tourist Information Office to top up your cycling capability.

Click on the 'route map' opposite to see a choice of local cycle routes.


Cycling and L'Eroica

Self Catering Holidays in Tuscany
Self Catering Holidays in Tuscany
The 'Casacorvo Collection'

**Holiday Apartments in Chianti**

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